By Mask fill method

Mask Initialization
DG_HANDLE InitMask(char *mask)

int InitMask(string mask)

'mask' is definition of the mask that will be used to generate value.

Generate value
char* MaskValue(DG_HANDLE handle)

string MaskValue(int handle)


The mask is a text string with any number of 'A', 'a' and 'N' characters. During the value generation process the 'A' and 'a' characters is replaced with a random letter (from 'A' to 'Z' and from 'a' to 'z') and the 'N' character is replaced with a random figure. {n} means iterate last sign 1 to n times. All the rest of the mask characters will be moved to the result value without any changes.
If you want to specify several different masks for filling a field, you should use the "From the List" method and specify masks as values with the "Use list items as a mask" mode on.
You can use '\' character for escape next mask sign. For example, \a will be used as a 'a' letter without any replacements. Also, you can use I or I{n} item for autoincremental field. n is field size, I{3} means 001,002,...,999

There are mask items:

  • A - letter from 'A' to 'Z'.
  • a - letter from 'a' to 'z'.
  • N - digit from '0' to '9'.
  • Z - hexadecimal digit from '0' to '9' and 'A' to 'F'.
  • {n} - repeater, value will be used from 1 to n times. n should be from 1 to 999.
  • {=n} - repeater, value will be used n times.
  • {n;m} - repeater, value will be used from n to m times. n should be less then m and both numbers from 1 to 999.
  • I{n} - autoincremental value from 1 to 10**n.
  • # - copy value of the last used {} block.

Compatibility warning: this fill method is obsolete. Please use it for backward compatibility only.