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Run external tool plugin


This tool provides you run external program from current DTM SQL editor environment.


Copy run_it.dll and run_it.ini (if present) to DTM SQL editor directory for install this plug-in. Edit run_it.ini for configure plug-in.


To activate the plug-in click right mouse button at editor window and select corresponding menu item.


Settings/ReadOnly - don't save script for 1 values or save for 0 (default option).

Settings/DeleteTemp - delete temporary files for 1 or not delete for 0 (default option)

Settings/MenuItem - text of the menu item. This option must be specified!

Path/WorkingDirectory - working directory. Plug-in uses %TEMP% for empty setting.

Path/CommandLine - command line. This option must be specified. You can use next parameters:

  • %f means filename
  • %d means database
  • %u means user name
  • %p means password
  • %o means owner
  • %N means Data Source Name

DTM SQL editor: run external tool plugin settings

Revision History

  • 1.05 - supports "Settings" dialog for DTM SQL editor 1.60+.
  • 1.04 - supports "DeleteTemp" option for temporary file deletion.
  • 1.03 - supports '%N' key for command line as current Data Source Name.
  • 1.02 - extended command line parameters are supported. '%f' means filename with script, '%d' - database, '%u' means user name, '%p' means password, '%o' - owner.
  • 1.01 - you can create copy of the plug-in DLL and INI with separated name for run few plug-in instances.
  • 1.00 - original version with default features.