How to...
Transformation taskSolution
Import, export or migrate the single table or view. Create "Import", "Export" or "Migration" rule.
Import, export or migrate all tables to a new (empty) data source. Create "Import", "Export" or "Migration" rule with "All tables" mode.
Export or migrate the results of query execution. "Export" or "Migration" rule and enter "SELECT" statement for query definition.
Import, export or migrate a few tables. Create "Import", "Export" or "Migration" rules for each source table.
Import or migrate data to the existing table with data overwriting. 1. Create "Clear" rule.
2. Create "Import" or "Migration" rule.
Perform migration rule(s) and send notification if success. 1. Create your migration rule(s).
2. Create "if" rule for FAIL.
3. Create rule with run an external notification.
Run project without any prompting. 1. Create and save your transformation project.
2. Run Migration Kit with -c switch and project file name as a command line.
Scheduled package execution. 1. Create and save your transformation project.
2. Schedule project execution using "Schedule" dialog.