Migration Rules

You should create a migration project to perform any data transformations. A project is a set of one or more rules. There are eleven rule types:

  1. Data Migration allows you to perform data transformation between two data sources.
  2. Export Data allows you to export data from a database table to HTML, XML, text or RTF (MS Word compatible) format.
  3. Import Data is a way to load data from desktop formats (text/CSV, DBF, Access, Paradox, Excel) to a database table.
  4. Clear Data can be used to drop the selected table or to delete some specified rows. Also, it allows the user to drop view or stored procedure.
  5. Schema Migration allows you to create empty copies of tables, views, indexes, triggers, procedures, keys, etc in the destination database.
  6. Conditional Branching changes the order of execution depending on whether the result of the previous step is OK or FAILED.
  7. Go to Label is unconditional execution branching.
  8. Stop Execution interrupts project execution.
  9. Run External Executable allows you to run any external program or system batch file.
  10. Run SQL Script allows you to run SQL scenario from disk file for specified database connection.
  11. Send e-mail allows you to send a message via default mail client.

Please use the drop-down toolbar menu to create a new rule. It opens the Rule Wizard that helps you to create a rule.

DTM Migration Kit: 'add rule' drop down menu

You can specify an optional label for any rule. It can be used for jumping to this rule from any other rule. Moreover, you can add a text comment for a rule.

Limitations of the current version

  • Text fields are limited in their length to 20480 bytes for all migrations (import, export or data transfer).
  • Views migration is not supported for some database formats (at least Microsoft Access).