Database Schema Report Summary Property Value Report created 02-Nov-2005 19:12 DBMS and version Microsoft SQL Server [ 08.00.0760 ] Server TOSHIBA2 Database name Northwind User/Login Schema/Owner dbo Driver and version SQLSRV32.DLL [ 03.85.1117 ] Tables, 20 items Table: 'dbo.Categories', 4 fields Field Name Type and Size Default Nullable CategoryID int identity NOT NULL CategoryName nvarchar(15) NOT NULL Description ntext NULL Picture image NULL Primary key for table 'dbo.Categories' Primary Key Name Fields PK_Categories CategoryID Indexes for table 'dbo.Categories', 2 items Index Name Clustered Unique Fields PK_Categories Yes Yes CategoryID CategoryName No No CategoryName Dependencies for table 'dbo.Categories', 5 items Object Name Type dbo.Alphabetical list of products view dbo.Product Sales for 1997 view dbo.Products by Category view dbo.Sales by Category view dbo.SalesByCategory stored procedure Table: 'dbo.CustomerCustomerDemo', 2 fields Field Name Type and Size Default Nullable CustomerID nchar(5) NOT NULL CustomerTypeID nchar(10) NOT NULL Primary key for table 'dbo.CustomerCustomerDemo' Primary Key Name Fields PK_CustomerCustomerDemo CustomerID, CustomerTypeID Foreign keys for table 'dbo.CustomerCustomerDemo', 2 items Foreign Primary CustomerCustomerDemo.CustomerTypeID CustomerDemographics.CustomerTypeID CustomerCustomerDemo.CustomerID Customers.CustomerID Indexes for table 'dbo.CustomerCustomerDemo', 2 items Index Name Clustered Unique Fields PK_CustomerCustomerDemo No Yes CustomerID, CustomerTypeID Table: 'dbo.CustomerDemographics', 2 fields Field Name Type and Size Default Nullable CustomerTypeID nchar(10) NOT NULL CustomerDesc ntext NULL Primary key for table 'dbo.CustomerDemographics' Primary Key Name Fields PK_CustomerDemographics CustomerTypeID Indexes for table 'dbo.CustomerDemographics', 1 item Index Name Clustered Unique Fields PK_CustomerDemographics No Yes CustomerTypeID Table: 'dbo.Customers', 11 fields Field Name Type and Size Default Nullable CustomerID nchar(5) NOT NULL CompanyName nvarchar(40) NOT NULL ContactName nvarchar(30) NULL ContactTitle nvarchar(30) NULL Address nvarchar(60) NULL City nvarchar(15) NULL Region nvarchar(15) NULL PostalCode nvarchar(10) NULL Country nvarchar(15) NULL Phone nvarchar(24) NULL Fax nvarchar(24) NULL Primary key for table 'dbo.Customers' Primary Key Name Fields PK_Customers CustomerID Indexes for table 'dbo.Customers', 5 items Index Name Clustered Unique Fields PK_Customers Yes Yes CustomerID City No No City CompanyName No No CompanyName PostalCode No No PostalCode Region No No Region Dependencies for table 'dbo.Customers', 6 items Object Name Type dbo.CustOrderHist stored procedure dbo.Customer and Suppliers by City view dbo.Invoices view dbo.Orders Qry view dbo.Quarterly Orders view dbo.Sales Totals by Amount view Table: 'dbo.DESCRIP3', 2 fields Field Name Type and Size Default Nullable YDC_ID float NULL Description of Program text NULL Table: 'dbo.DESCRIP32', 2 fields Field Name Type and Size Default Nullable YDC_ID float NULL Description of Program text NULL Table: 'dbo.EmployeeTerritories', 2 fields Field Name Type and Size Default Nullable EmployeeID int NOT NULL TerritoryID nvarchar(20) NOT NULL Primary key for table 'dbo.EmployeeTerritories' Primary Key Name Fields PK_EmployeeTerritories EmployeeID, TerritoryID Foreign keys for table 'dbo.EmployeeTerritories', 2 items Foreign Primary EmployeeTerritories.EmployeeID Employees.EmployeeID EmployeeTerritories.TerritoryID Territories.TerritoryID Indexes for table 'dbo.EmployeeTerritories', 2 items Index Name Clustered Unique Fields PK_EmployeeTerritories No Yes EmployeeID, TerritoryID Table: 'dbo.Employees', 18 fields Field Name Type and Size Default Nullable EmployeeID int identity NOT NULL LastName nvarchar(20) NOT NULL FirstName nvarchar(10) NOT NULL Title nvarchar(30) NULL TitleOfCourtesy nvarchar(25) NULL BirthDate datetime NULL HireDate datetime NULL Address nvarchar(60) NULL City nvarchar(15) NULL Region nvarchar(15) NULL PostalCode nvarchar(10) NULL Country nvarchar(15) NULL HomePhone nvarchar(24) NULL Extension nvarchar(4) NULL Photo image NULL Notes ntext NULL ReportsTo int NULL PhotoPath nvarchar(255) NULL Primary key for table 'dbo.Employees' Primary Key Name Fields PK_Employees EmployeeID Foreign keys for table 'dbo.Employees', 1 item Foreign Primary Employees.ReportsTo Employees.EmployeeID Indexes for table 'dbo.Employees', 3 items Index Name Clustered Unique Fields PK_Employees Yes Yes EmployeeID LastName No No LastName PostalCode No No PostalCode Dependencies for table 'dbo.Employees', 3 items Object Name Type dbo.CK_Birthdate check cns dbo.Employee Sales by Country stored procedure dbo.Invoices view Table: 'dbo.MyValues', 2 fields Field Name Type and Size Default Nullable ReviewText varchar(255) NULL ReviewerID varchar(255) NULL Table: 'dbo."Order Details"', 5 fields Field Name Type and Size Default Nullable OrderID int NOT NULL ProductID int NOT NULL UnitPrice money(19.4) (0) NOT NULL Quantity smallint (1) NOT NULL Discount real (0) NOT NULL Primary key for table 'dbo."Order Details"' Primary Key Name Fields PK_Order_Details OrderID, ProductID Foreign keys for table 'dbo."Order Details"', 2 items Foreign Primary Order Details.OrderID Orders.OrderID Order Details.ProductID Products.ProductID Dependencies for table 'dbo."Order Details"', 10 items Object Name Type dbo.CK_Discount check cns dbo.CK_Quantity check cns dbo.CK_UnitPrice check cns dbo.CustOrderHist stored procedure dbo.CustOrdersDetail stored procedure dbo.Invoices view dbo.Order Details Extended view dbo.Order Subtotals view dbo.Product Sales for 1997 view dbo.SalesByCategory stored procedure Table: 'dbo.Orders', 14 fields Field Name Type and Size Default Nullable OrderID int identity NOT NULL CustomerID nchar(5) NULL EmployeeID int NULL OrderDate datetime NULL RequiredDate datetime NULL ShippedDate datetime NULL ShipVia int NULL Freight money(19.4) (0) NULL ShipName nvarchar(40) NULL ShipAddress nvarchar(60) NULL ShipCity nvarchar(15) NULL ShipRegion nvarchar(15) NULL ShipPostalCode nvarchar(10) NULL ShipCountry nvarchar(15) NULL Primary key for table 'dbo.Orders' Primary Key Name Fields PK_Orders OrderID Foreign keys for table 'dbo.Orders', 3 items Foreign Primary Orders.CustomerID Customers.CustomerID Orders.EmployeeID Employees.EmployeeID Orders.ShipVia Shippers.ShipperID Indexes for table 'dbo.Orders', 9 items Index Name Clustered Unique Fields PK_Orders Yes Yes OrderID CustomerID No No CustomerID CustomersOrders No No CustomerID EmployeeID No No EmployeeID EmployeesOrders No No EmployeeID OrderDate No No OrderDate ShipPostalCode No No ShipPostalCode ShippedDate No No ShippedDate ShippersOrders No No ShipVia Dependencies for table 'dbo.Orders', 13 items Object Name Type dbo.CustOrderHist stored procedure dbo.CustOrdersOrders stored procedure dbo.Employee Sales by Country stored procedure dbo.Invoices view dbo.Orders Qry view dbo.Product Sales for 1997 view dbo.Quarterly Orders view dbo.Sales Totals by Amount view dbo.Sales by Category view dbo.Sales by Year stored procedure dbo.SalesByCategory stored procedure dbo.Summary of Sales by Quarter view dbo.Summary of Sales by Year view Table: 'dbo.Products', 10 fields Field Name Type and Size Default Nullable ProductID int identity NOT NULL ProductName nvarchar(40) NOT NULL SupplierID int NULL CategoryID int NULL QuantityPerUnit nvarchar(20) NULL UnitPrice money(19.4) (0) NULL UnitsInStock smallint (0) NULL UnitsOnOrder smallint (0) NULL ReorderLevel smallint (0) NULL Discontinued bit (0) NOT NULL Primary key for table 'dbo.Products' Primary Key Name Fields PK_Products ProductID Foreign keys for table 'dbo.Products', 2 items Foreign Primary Products.CategoryID Categories.CategoryID Products.SupplierID Suppliers.SupplierID Indexes for table 'dbo.Products', 6 items Index Name Clustered Unique Fields PK_Products Yes Yes ProductID CategoriesProducts No No CategoryID CategoryID No No CategoryID ProductName No No ProductName SupplierID No No SupplierID SuppliersProducts No No SupplierID Dependencies for table 'dbo.Products', 16 items Object Name Type dbo.Alphabetical list of products view dbo.CK_Products_UnitPrice check cns dbo.CK_ReorderLevel check cns dbo.CK_UnitsInStock check cns dbo.CK_UnitsOnOrder check cns dbo.Current Product List view dbo.CustOrderHist stored procedure dbo.CustOrdersDetail stored procedure dbo.Invoices view dbo.Order Details Extended view dbo.Product Sales for 1997 view dbo.Products Above Average Price view dbo.Products by Category view dbo.Sales by Category view dbo.SalesByCategory stored procedure dbo.Ten Most Expensive Products stored procedure Table: 'dbo.Region', 2 fields Field Name Type and Size Default Nullable RegionID int NOT NULL RegionDescription nchar(50) NOT NULL Primary key for table 'dbo.Region' Primary Key Name Fields PK_Region RegionID Indexes for table 'dbo.Region', 1 item Index Name Clustered Unique Fields PK_Region No Yes RegionID Table: 'dbo.Shippers', 3 fields Field Name Type and Size Default Nullable ShipperID int identity NOT NULL CompanyName nvarchar(40) NOT NULL Phone nvarchar(24) NULL Primary key for table 'dbo.Shippers' Primary Key Name Fields PK_Shippers ShipperID Indexes for table 'dbo.Shippers', 1 item Index Name Clustered Unique Fields PK_Shippers Yes Yes ShipperID Dependencies for table 'dbo.Shippers', 1 item Object Name Type dbo.Invoices view Table: 'dbo.Suppliers', 12 fields Field Name Type and Size Default Nullable SupplierID int identity NOT NULL CompanyName nvarchar(40) NOT NULL ContactName nvarchar(30) NULL ContactTitle nvarchar(30) NULL Address nvarchar(60) NULL City nvarchar(15) NULL Region nvarchar(15) NULL PostalCode nvarchar(10) NULL Country nvarchar(15) NULL Phone nvarchar(24) NULL Fax nvarchar(24) NULL HomePage ntext NULL Primary key for table 'dbo.Suppliers' Primary Key Name Fields PK_Suppliers SupplierID Indexes for table 'dbo.Suppliers', 3 items Index Name Clustered Unique Fields PK_Suppliers Yes Yes SupplierID CompanyName No No CompanyName PostalCode No No PostalCode Dependencies for table 'dbo.Suppliers', 1 item Object Name Type dbo.Customer and Suppliers by City view Table: 'dbo.Territories', 3 fields Field Name Type and Size Default Nullable TerritoryID nvarchar(20) NOT NULL TerritoryDescription nchar(50) NOT NULL RegionID int NOT NULL Primary key for table 'dbo.Territories' Primary Key Name Fields PK_Territories TerritoryID Foreign keys for table 'dbo.Territories', 1 item Foreign Primary Territories.RegionID Region.RegionID Indexes for table 'dbo.Territories', 1 item Index Name Clustered Unique Fields PK_Territories No Yes TerritoryID Table: 'dbo.TwoCols', 2 fields Field Name Type and Size Default Nullable A int NULL B int NULL Dependencies for table 'dbo.TwoCols', 1 item Object Name Type dbo.B5 check cns Table: 'dbo."_TimeS"', 2 fields Field Name Type and Size Default Nullable A timestamp(8) NULL A2 int (1) NULL Table: 'dbo.test2', 2 fields Field Name Type and Size Default Nullable YDC_ID float NOT NULL Description of Program text NULL Primary key for table 'dbo.test2' Primary Key Name Fields SpecialColumn YDC_ID Indexes for table 'dbo.test2', 1 item Index Name Clustered Unique Fields PK Yes Yes YDC_ID Table: 'dbo.test_scr', 2 fields Field Name Type and Size Default Nullable YDC_ID float NULL Description of Program text NULL Views, 17 items View: 'dbo."Alphabetical list of products"' Column Type and Size ProductID int NOT NULL ProductName nvarchar(40) NOT NULL SupplierID int NULL CategoryID int NULL QuantityPerUnit nvarchar(20) NULL UnitPrice money(19.4) NULL UnitsInStock smallint NULL UnitsOnOrder smallint NULL ReorderLevel smallint NULL Discontinued bit NOT NULL CategoryName nvarchar(15) NOT NULL View: 'dbo."Category Sales for 1997"' Column Type and Size CategoryName nvarchar(15) NOT NULL CategorySales money(19.4) NULL View: 'dbo."Current Product List"' Column Type and Size ProductID int identity NOT NULL ProductName nvarchar(40) NOT NULL View: 'dbo."Customer and Suppliers by City"' Column Type and Size City nvarchar(15) NULL CompanyName nvarchar(40) NOT NULL ContactName nvarchar(30) NULL Relationship varchar(9) NOT NULL View: 'dbo.Invoices' Column Type and Size ShipName nvarchar(40) NULL ShipAddress nvarchar(60) NULL ShipCity nvarchar(15) NULL ShipRegion nvarchar(15) NULL ShipPostalCode nvarchar(10) NULL ShipCountry nvarchar(15) NULL CustomerID nchar(5) NULL CustomerName nvarchar(40) NOT NULL Address nvarchar(60) NULL City nvarchar(15) NULL Region nvarchar(15) NULL PostalCode nvarchar(10) NULL Country nvarchar(15) NULL Salesperson nvarchar(31) NOT NULL OrderID int NOT NULL OrderDate datetime NULL RequiredDate datetime NULL ShippedDate datetime NULL ShipperName nvarchar(40) NOT NULL ProductID int NOT NULL ProductName nvarchar(40) NOT NULL UnitPrice money(19.4) NOT NULL Quantity smallint NOT NULL Discount real NOT NULL ExtendedPrice money(19.4) NULL Freight money(19.4) NULL View: 'dbo."Order Details Extended"' Column Type and Size OrderID int NOT NULL ProductID int NOT NULL ProductName nvarchar(40) NOT NULL UnitPrice money(19.4) NOT NULL Quantity smallint NOT NULL Discount real NOT NULL ExtendedPrice money(19.4) NULL View: 'dbo."Order Subtotals"' Column Type and Size OrderID int NOT NULL Subtotal money(19.4) NULL View: 'dbo."Orders Qry"' Column Type and Size OrderID int NOT NULL CustomerID nchar(5) NULL EmployeeID int NULL OrderDate datetime NULL RequiredDate datetime NULL ShippedDate datetime NULL ShipVia int NULL Freight money(19.4) NULL ShipName nvarchar(40) NULL ShipAddress nvarchar(60) NULL ShipCity nvarchar(15) NULL ShipRegion nvarchar(15) NULL ShipPostalCode nvarchar(10) NULL ShipCountry nvarchar(15) NULL CompanyName nvarchar(40) NOT NULL Address nvarchar(60) NULL City nvarchar(15) NULL Region nvarchar(15) NULL PostalCode nvarchar(10) NULL Country nvarchar(15) NULL View: 'dbo."Product Sales for 1997"' Column Type and Size CategoryName nvarchar(15) NOT NULL ProductName nvarchar(40) NOT NULL ProductSales money(19.4) NULL View: 'dbo."Products Above Average Price"' Column Type and Size ProductName nvarchar(40) NOT NULL UnitPrice money(19.4) NULL View: 'dbo."Products by Category"' Column Type and Size CategoryName nvarchar(15) NOT NULL ProductName nvarchar(40) NOT NULL QuantityPerUnit nvarchar(20) NULL UnitsInStock smallint NULL Discontinued bit NOT NULL View: 'dbo."Quarterly Orders"' Column Type and Size CustomerID nchar(5) NULL CompanyName nvarchar(40) NULL City nvarchar(15) NULL Country nvarchar(15) NULL View: 'dbo."Sales Totals by Amount"' Column Type and Size SaleAmount money(19.4) NULL OrderID int NOT NULL CompanyName nvarchar(40) NOT NULL ShippedDate datetime NULL View: 'dbo."Sales by Category"' Column Type and Size CategoryID int NOT NULL CategoryName nvarchar(15) NOT NULL ProductName nvarchar(40) NOT NULL ProductSales money(19.4) NULL View: 'dbo."Summary of Sales by Quarter"' Column Type and Size ShippedDate datetime NULL OrderID int NOT NULL Subtotal money(19.4) NULL View: 'dbo."Summary of Sales by Year"' Column Type and Size ShippedDate datetime NULL OrderID int NOT NULL Subtotal money(19.4) NULL View: 'dbo.qwe' Column Type and Size YDC_ID float NULL Description of Program text NULL Procedures, 8 items Procedure Name Parameters CustOrderHist @RETURN_VALUE int(10) [RETURN VALUE],@CustomerID nchar(5) [INPUT] CustOrdersDetail @RETURN_VALUE int(10) [RETURN VALUE],@OrderID int(10) [INPUT] CustOrdersOrders @RETURN_VALUE int(10) [RETURN VALUE],@CustomerID nchar(5) [INPUT] Employee Sales by Country @RETURN_VALUE int(10) [RETURN VALUE],@Beginning_Date datetime(23) [INPUT],@Ending_Date datetime(23) [INPUT] Sales by Year @RETURN_VALUE int(10) [RETURN VALUE],@Beginning_Date datetime(23) [INPUT],@Ending_Date datetime(23) [INPUT] SalesByCategory @RETURN_VALUE int(10) [RETURN VALUE],@CategoryName nvarchar(15) [INPUT],@OrdYear nvarchar(4) [INPUT] Ten Most Expensive Products @RETURN_VALUE int(10) [RETURN VALUE] TestSalesByStore @RETURN_VALUE int(10) [RETURN VALUE] Data Types, 32 items Type name Code Size Nullable Searchable Scale sql_variant -150 8000 YES except LIKE uniqueidentifier -11 36 YES except LIKE ntext -10 1073741823 YES LIKE ONLY nvarchar -9 4000 YES YES sysname -9 128 NO YES nchar -8 4000 YES YES bit -7 1 YES except LIKE tinyint -6 3 YES except LIKE tinyint identity -6 3 NO except LIKE bigint -5 19 YES except LIKE bigint identity -5 19 NO except LIKE image -4 2147483647 YES NO varbinary -3 8000 YES except LIKE binary -2 8000 YES except LIKE timestamp -2 8 NO except LIKE text -1 2147483647 YES LIKE ONLY char 1 8000 YES YES numeric 2 38 YES except LIKE 0..38 numeric() identity 2 38 NO except LIKE decimal 3 38 YES except LIKE 0..38 money 3 19 YES except LIKE smallmoney 3 10 YES except LIKE decimal() identity 3 38 NO except LIKE int 4 10 YES except LIKE int identity 4 10 NO except LIKE smallint 5 5 YES except LIKE smallint identity 5 5 NO except LIKE float 6 15 YES except LIKE real 7 7 YES except LIKE datetime 11 23 YES YES smalldatetime 11 16 YES YES varchar 12 8000 YES YES