
Table: 'Production.BillOfMaterials'

9 fields. 78 bytes.

Items required to make bicycles and bicycle subassemblies. It identifies the heirarchical relationship between a parent product and its components.

Field NameData TypeSizeOriginal TypeDefaultNullableDescriptionCheck
BillOfMaterialsIDint identity int Not nullPrimary key for BillOfMaterials records. 
ProductAssemblyIDint   NullParent product identification number. Foreign key to Product.ProductID. 
ComponentIDint   Not nullComponent identification number. Foreign key to Product.ProductID. 
StartDatedatetime  getdate()Not nullDate the component started being used in the assembly item. 
EndDatedatetime   NullDate the component stopped being used in the assembly item. 
UnitMeasureCodenchar3  Not nullStandard code identifying the unit of measure for the quantity. 
BOMLevelsmallint   Not nullIndicates the depth the component is from its parent (AssemblyID). 
PerAssemblyQtydecimal8,2 (1.00)Not nullQuantity of the component needed to create the assembly.([PerAssemblyQty]>=(1.00))
ModifiedDatedatetime  getdate()Not nullDate and time the record was last updated. 

Extended Properties

The object has no extended properties.

Primary key for table 'Production.BillOfMaterials'

Primary Key NameField Name

Foreign keys for table 'Production.BillOfMaterials', 3 items

ForeignPrimaryKey Name

Indexes for table 'Production.BillOfMaterials', 3 items

Index NameDescriptionClusteredUniqueFields
AK_BillOfMaterials_ProductAssemblyID_ComponentID_StartDateClustered index.YesYesProductAssemblyID, ComponentID, StartDate
PK_BillOfMaterials_BillOfMaterialsIDNonclustered index created by a primary key constraint.NoYesBillOfMaterialsID
IX_BillOfMaterials_UnitMeasureCodeNonclustered index.NoNoUnitMeasureCode

Triggers for table 'Production.BillOfMaterials', 1 item

uBillOfMaterialsAFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the BillOfMaterials table to the current date.after Update Yes

Dependencies for table 'Production.BillOfMaterials', 7 items

Object NameTypeField Name
dbo.uspGetBillOfMaterialsstored procedureN/A
dbo.uspGetWhereUsedProductIDstored procedureN/A
Production.CK_BillOfMaterials_BOMLevelcheck cnsN/A
Production.CK_BillOfMaterials_EndDatecheck cnsN/A
Production.CK_BillOfMaterials_PerAssemblyQtycheck cnsN/A
Production.CK_BillOfMaterials_ProductAssemblyIDcheck cnsN/A